Red & Black Velvet Embroidery


Happy Monday, y’all! Here’s to another week that hopefully flies by as quick as possible! My spring break this next week, so I for sure want to press fast forward and go to Seattle. I need a freaking break!

This semester has been pretty stressful, I’m not gonna lie. My fashion technology class, to be more specific, has been driving me crazy. There’s literally two projects every week. We are required to use Illustrator and Photoshop, and it’s so damn time consuming! My other classes aren’t that bad, but I still have projects for some of them. I also had two exams two weeks ago that I was overwhelmed by. Thankfully, now that midterms are over and it’s almost spring break, I can breathe a little more. I also have a little more time to finally write more blog posts, like this one that you’re about to read!

Well, you’re technically reading it right now. I’m just referring to my outfit, not my rant about college …

I’ve actually had this shirt for a while now. I bought it back in December when it was on sale at Altar’d State. The red and black velvet embroidery on the sleeves immediately caught my eye. I was a little hestitant at first since it was a week before Christmas, and I didn’t want to buy anything for myself ahead of time. However, one of the employees told me it was buy one get one 40% off, which was perfect since it was already on sale! So I got it and a pair of striped wide-legged pants which were also on sale, so I managed to save some money before Christmas and get some cute clothes in exchange ☺️

 I think that this shirt works for any season really. Maybe not summer, it may be too hot to wear then (but chilly summer nights with shorts or a skirt could work!) It’s absolutely one of many favorite shirts, and I’ve been getting so eager to finally post about it. It’s so bold and elegant! 

My gold cross layered necklace is also from Altar’d State. It wasn’t on sale when I got it, but it was still a pretty decent price and it was worth it. It’s literally my favorite necklace and I wear it practically all the time. Although I’m a little cautious because I love it, and I don’t want to ruin it or lose it! I also don’t want it to get tangled up, so I don’t travel with it. #necklaceprobz  


My go-to pants for this shirt are my American Eagle denim skinny jeans and my go-to shoes are my black high knee boots from Steve Madden. Nothing else can match with it better than these, they make the whole outfit look so chic and modest. I love everything about it! 


Are you ready for spring yet? I certainly am, I’ve been ready since December 26th! 😂 Mild temperature, sunshine, and flowers sound great the moment. I just saw the first small purple crocuses of the season bloom in my backyard a few days ago. That’s when I know that springtime is getting closer by the minute. The first official day of spring is only two days from now, we’re almost there!