Kimouflage Possible


It’s finally sunny and a little warmer outside, which means I don’t have to wear pants as often ... you probably knew a camouflage joke was gonna happen at some point.

Not gonna lie … I feel like a total badass in this outfit! Sunglasses always add a sassy effect to every outfit, but there’s also the combat boots, chic back bomber jacket, layered necklace, and, of course, the camo pants!

These Zara camouflage jeans were a sweet gift from my mom a few weeks ago when she and my dad went to Las Vegas (I wasn’t invited, LOL). Camo outfits have been super trendy lately, so I was super excited when she gave me the pair of jeans! At first, I was a little worried when I tried them on because they felt a little tighter than they should have felt. But thankfully the longer I wore them, the more comfortable they became. I mean they kinda have to be since they’re invisible … I had to, I can’t help myself when it comes to jokes!

You’re probably still a little confused about the title of this blog post and what it actually means. I posted this outfit on my Instagram a little over a week ago, and one of my friends said that I looked like Kim Possible. Since I’m wearing camouflage, that would make me ... Kimouflage Possible! 😂 It a HUGE compliment for me because Kim Possible was my favorite TV show as a kid! I still want to be Kim Possible as a girl in my twenty-somethings (because who doesn’t?), so thanks to John Iacucci for making my childhood fantasy come true! Just call me, beep me if you wanna reach me 😎

What was your favorite TV show/character during your childhood? Comment down below and share!



Jacket: styleNmotion - similar jacket

Shirt: Target - similar shirt

Jeans: Zara - similar jeans

Shoes: Steve Madden - similar shoes

Sunglasses: Ray-Ban

Necklace: Civion